The Ramadan Edition


Ramadan is a month of self restraint and self reflection for Muslims worldwide. A month of the Quran, where each individual takes a portion out of their day to read and ponder over the Quran and it's deeper meaning. It is a time where the community comes together to help and give to the less fortunate. Each good deed is multiplied in tenfold, making it the perfect opportunity to increase our acts of kindness and compassion.

Allah opens his doors of mercy and forgiveness, and the gates of hell are closed. As the month begins, each and every one of us should make sincere dua to Allah to help us leave bad habits behind and implement healthier habits into our lifestyle in both religious and worldly aspects. There is no better month than Ramadan, to rectify our intentions and truly contemplate over our daily routine. What do I do to please Allah? How can I become a better Muslim? What is my true purpose in this life? What things am I wasting my time on? How can I truly achieve success in this world and what is hindering me? 

Ramadan undoubtedly comes at a time where we all need it the most. Now why exactly is is so special to us as Muslims. Besides the general definition of 'fasting' - refraining from eating and drinking, and abstaining from sins and other acts during a certain period, it is the unmatched peace and contentment that this month gives us. We engage in constant zikr, salah and Quran recitation throughout the entirety of the month, we set goals for ourselves, we discipline our minds and we have full control over our actions and words. It allows us to appreciate and value what we have, which others may not have, whether it be food, family, good health and so much more.

A cleanse for our heart, detox for our mind and a gateway to grow closer to our faith. 

May Allah make our fasts easy for us, accept all of our efforts and allow us to reap the full benefits of this sacred month. Ameen.

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